Semua orang mahfun adanya, dimana ada guna ada semut. Istilah yang sudah biasa, jika seorang berhasil maka berduyun-duyun datang keluarga, sahabat, saudara dan kerabatnya. Ini adalah manusiawi dan sebagai makhluk social adalah suatu cita-cita jika kita menduduki suatu jabatan. Semua orang pasti akan berbuat untuk menolong saudara, teman, kerabat atau orang-orang yang di kenal.
Bagaimanapun hebatnya saya, lulusan dari USA dengan predikat Cum Laude maka jika orang lain tidak mengenal diri saya, saya tidak akan pernah digunakan. Inilah pentingnya relasi, persaudaraan, pertemanan, dan perkawanan. Bukankah kita semua saudara satu bangsa, jadi siapa satu berhak mengerubuti, dan berdiri di sekitar presiden, di sekitar gubernur, atau di sekitar walikota.
Kita memang selama ini lebih senang menjadi penonton dipinggir lapangan bola, memberikan komentar pedas, tapi ketika kita diberikan bola dan turun di lapangan menendang bolapun kita tidak sanggup, apalagi membuat gol.
Tradisi kritik yang “tidak manusiawi” dan cenderung memojokan serta tidak pernah memberikan solusi adalah sifat dari manusia yang "iri" dengan sesuatu yang sedang di dapat oleh orang lain. Bekerja pada saudara, pada orang yang dikenal adalah hal yang sangat baik asalkan kita kredibel. Jika ada 3 orang yang kita kenal sama kecakapan dalam bekerja, maka kita tentu akan menggunakan orang yang mempunyai kedekatan emosial terlebih dahulu, apakah itu kerabat, suku, agama, tempat pendidikan dan sebagainya.
Tulisan-tulisan Goerge sudah terkenal sejak era Soeharto, sempat tenggelam dan tidak terdengar kiprahnya di era Habibie, Gus Dur dan Megawati. Sekarang kembali muncul ke permukaan dengan buku Gurita Cikeas. Semua orang boleh-boleh saja mengeluarkan pendapat, di era yang serba terbuka dan alam demokrasi tidak ada yang melarang. Tetapi semua harus dengan fakta yang gambling bukan Cuma mencari popularitas saja.
Kita harus hargai apa yang telah di tulis oleh Goerge, kita tinggal menilai sendiri-sendiri, apakah memang yang dituliskan olehnya benar atau hanya fitnah belaka. Dunia sudah terang benderang, semakin tinggi pohon semakin kuat terpaan angin.
Goerge adalah angin, tinggal apakah ini adalah angin putting beliung yang merusak, atau angin yang membawa awan hujan sehingga menyuburkan tanah.
Toh Cuma angin, menurut pepatah badai pasti berlalu, biarkan saja, angin akan menghilang di sela-sela bukit. Jika Goerge jadi pejabat apa yang akan dilakukan ?
Palembang, Januari 2010
Mahfun everybody is, where there are no ants in order. The term that was used, if a successful then flocked family. This is a human and as social beings is an ideal if we occupy a position. Everyone would have done to help relatives, friends, relatives or people known.
After all my wonderful, graduated from USA with predicate Cum Loude so if other people do not know myself, I would never didigunakan. This is the importance of relationships, persaudaran, friendship, and brotherhood. Are not we all brothers one nation, so who swarm the right one, and stood around the president, governors around, around the mayor.
We had been more like a bystander to the ball field lane, scathing comment, but when we are given the ball and kicked down the field we are not able bolapun, let alone make a goal.
Tradition criticism that "not manusiawo" and tend to memojokan and never given the nature of the solution is a jealous man with something that was in the can by others. Working on the brothers, known to the person who is a very good thing if we are credible. If there are 3 people we know as proficiency in work, then we certainly will use people who have first emosial proximity, whether it's family, tribe, religion, place of education and so on.
Goerge writings are well known since the Suharto era, had drowned and not heard their work in the era of the Habibie, Wahid and Megawati. Now back to the surface with Cikeas Octopus books. Everyone is okay to express opinion, in the era of the all open and democratic nature nothing is banned. But all must be with the fact that gambling is not just looking for popularity alone.
We must appreciate what has been written by Goerge, we live on their own judge, whether it is written by him is true or just mere slander. The world was bright, the higher the tree the stronger the wind.
Goerge is the wind, stay if this is putting the wind picks the damage, or the wind that brings rain clouds that fertilize the soil.
After all, just the wind, according to the saying the storm would pass, let alone, the wind will disappear on the sidelines of hill. If so Goerge officials what to do?
Palembang, January 2010
After all my wonderful, graduated from USA with predicate Cum Loude so if other people do not know myself, I would never didigunakan. This is the importance of relationships, persaudaran, friendship, and brotherhood. Are not we all brothers one nation, so who swarm the right one, and stood around the president, governors around, around the mayor.
We had been more like a bystander to the ball field lane, scathing comment, but when we are given the ball and kicked down the field we are not able bolapun, let alone make a goal.
Tradition criticism that "not manusiawo" and tend to memojokan and never given the nature of the solution is a jealous man with something that was in the can by others. Working on the brothers, known to the person who is a very good thing if we are credible. If there are 3 people we know as proficiency in work, then we certainly will use people who have first emosial proximity, whether it's family, tribe, religion, place of education and so on.
Goerge writings are well known since the Suharto era, had drowned and not heard their work in the era of the Habibie, Wahid and Megawati. Now back to the surface with Cikeas Octopus books. Everyone is okay to express opinion, in the era of the all open and democratic nature nothing is banned. But all must be with the fact that gambling is not just looking for popularity alone.
We must appreciate what has been written by Goerge, we live on their own judge, whether it is written by him is true or just mere slander. The world was bright, the higher the tree the stronger the wind.
Goerge is the wind, stay if this is putting the wind picks the damage, or the wind that brings rain clouds that fertilize the soil.
After all, just the wind, according to the saying the storm would pass, let alone, the wind will disappear on the sidelines of hill. If so Goerge officials what to do?
Palembang, January 2010
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